
HWS Earns 2018 ASA Elevate Award

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Sep 25, 2018 10:24:57 AM


HealthTrust Workforce Solutions was honored with a 2018 American Staffing Association Elevate Award! This national award recognizes the most innovative and effective work-based learning programs designed specifically for temporary and contract employees. 

HealthTrust earned the award for the Specialty Training Apprenticeship for Registered Nurses (StaRN) program, which was established by HealthTrust in 2014 and has grown into a featured component within the HCA Nurse Residency Program. The program was created as a means to counter the projected nursing shortage of 1.2 million nurses expected by 2022.

StaRN educates thousands of post-graduate, newly-licensed nurses every year using specialized training that bridges the skills gap between new and experienced nurses, eliminating the catch-22 of not having the experience to work in an acute-care environment and being unable to gain that experience without the chance to work. The program includes comprehensive didactic training with a robust simulation experience and a clinical preceptorship at the specific client healthcare facility. 

“We are honored that our StaRN nurse training program was recognized with the first-ever American Staffing Association Elevate Award for our work in addressing the nursing shortage,” said HWS President & CEO Brendan Courtney. "We are proud of the nearly 13,000 nurses who our program has helped to overcome this skills-gap obstacle, as well as the hundreds of StaRN nurse educators who have inspired the next generation of nurses."

If you're an experienced nurse who is interested in inspiring the next generation of nurses, click here to browse our StaRN nurse educator opportunities. 

Topics: Healthcare, Nursing, Nursing Shortage, Healthcare Recruitment


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