
Nursing Degrees in reach for Detroit’s Families in Need

Parallon Workforce Solutions on Sep 12, 2016 11:30:35 AM

Nursing degrees are in reach for residents of Detroit!

Imagine receiving free tuition to nursing school just by earning your high school diploma or GED, as well as passing a drug screen. That is the reality for a handful of Detroit residents thanks to Oakland University’s School of Nursing at Focus Hope. The school is currently seeking new students before the end of September to participate in the program.

Oakland University School of Nursing received an $800,000 grant that will be used to provide nursing school tuition to homeless, unemployed, and underemployed adults in Detroit. The goal is to help residents to escape poverty and find fulfilling careers in the nursing field. 

To read more about the program and hear from some of the new nursing students, click here.

Topics: Healthcare, Nursing


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