
How to Make a Good Impression During Your Interview

Jennifer Burden & Pat Price on Jan 9, 2017 9:56:04 AM


Proven Tips to Land That Nursing Job

Whether you’re a graduate nurse on your first interview or a seasoned nurse with years of experience, interviews and first impressions are important! Of course, you’ve learned the interview standards such as being on time and bringing an extra copy of your resume, but here are a few tips from TriStar Centennial's Jennifer Burden, vice president of human resources, and Pat Price, administrative critical care director, on how to shine in your interview.

Prior to the Interview

Resume: In a sea of resumes, one piece of paper really tells your story. Ensure your resume is current and provides insight into what you’ve done to enhance your nursing skills. Experience around customer service, mission work and clinical experience show dedication to the nursing profession. It’s important to include certifications and education.  Be cautious on making the resume too busy; keep it brief and to the point. 

The Day of the Interview

Appearance: Nursing is a profession and unless you are asked to wear scrubs, please consider considering wearing a suit. Dress should be neat, clean, non-wrinkled, preferably with a jacket. Avoid low cut shirts and shoes you may struggle walking in.  Jewelry should be kept to a minimum (remove all facial piercings), ensure tattoos are covered up, and present with natural colored hair.  

Confidence:  Be confident, but sensitive to the fact you may have some learning about the company, the specialty or the unit. A strong handshake and eye contact during the interview process is important. 

Click here for additional tips about about expressing your passions, goals, and knowledge of patient satisfaction, as well as post-interview followup. 

If you're interested in pursuing new opportunities in your nursing career, click here to browse available nursing jobs with HealthTrust Workforce Solutions. 

Topics: Healthcare, Nursing, Healthcare Recruitment


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