We would like to take a moment and make sure that you are ready for RepScrubs to go live on June 14th, 2021.
The original email we sent noted compliance within 30 days of the launch date, which is also reflected in the second bullet noted below.
To further clarify, your action is required for the following. Please see the following deadline dates and action items.
- 6/13/21 deadline - you must have a RepScrubs account activated and assure VPro credential compliance.
- 6/14/21 to 7/14/21 deadline - you must acknowledge the RepScrubs Credential in your VPro account at hwsverified.com.
- If you do not acknowledge the RepScrubs Credential, you will no longer have access to any procedural area.
Go directly to RepScrubs.com to create your account. If you need assistance or have questions regarding RepScrubs, call 407-547-2680 or email info@repscrubs.com.
For VPro Credentialing assistance, call 954-514-1440.