
Meditech Menu:TriStar Division

Education Team on Jun 23, 2022 5:15:18 PM

With the acquisition and Meditech conversion completed at Northcrest in the TriStar Division, the Meditech Menu is being updated to now include Northcrest. The scripting is scheduled to start 6/28/22 and will be completed in 1-2 weeks.

Impact: Upfront, this will affect the users by adding additional numbers to their main login screen. If a user is in Meditech at the time of scripting, they should see NO impact until the next log out/log in. Additionally, because menus will be scripted first, then dictionary access, a user might see they have Northcrest “access”, but do not have access to routines, such as orders or managing a nursing list, but the dictionary access build is forthcoming

Meditech Menu EDU

Thank YOU~!




Topics: TriStar Division



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