Inside Look: A New Side of the Nursing Profession in America

Paula Phillips, RN on Jul 29, 2016 11:00:00 AM
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At some point in our life each of us will encounter a nurse, whether it be as a patient or as a loved one. And that one encounter can mean the difference between suffering and peace; between chaos and order. Nurses matter.


Have you heard of the American Nurse Project?

If not, we encourage you to check it out. The project is a documentary developed by Carolyn Jones, a breast cancer survivor who was so touched by the nursing care she received that she wanted to pay tribute to the profession.

The American Nurse Project aims to elevate the voice of nurses in this country by capturing their personal stories through photography and film. In early 2012, photographer Carolyn Jones and her team began a journey across the United States, recording the unique experiences of nurses at work. The photographs and narratives aim to inspire audiences to think about nurses in a way that they may never have before, with a newfound appreciation for this indispensable figure on the front lines of health and healthcare today: the American nurse.

Fueled by both critical success and the support of the nursing community, The American Nurse Project has just completed production on a feature length documentary. The film follows 5 nurses from the book along with their patients: Tonia Faust with maximum-security prison inmates; Jason Short with home health patients in Appalachia; Brian McMillion with soldiers returning from war; Naomi Cross with mothers giving birth; and Sister Stephen with nursing home patients at the end of life. View the trailer here.



Topics: Nursing, Nursing Perspectives, Nursing Leadership


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