
DAISY Award: Erik Lien

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Nov 6, 2020 11:10:37 AM

Daisy Award 2

Congratulations to Erik Lien, RN, on earning a DAISY Award! Erik is a HealthTrust nurse who works in the MICU at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kansas. 

Erik was nominated by the facility's Patient Care Technician, Denise Cocking, for the kindness and compassion that he continuously shows to the patients that he serves while working at the hospital. You can read the nomination in full below: 

"Erik often times comes and helps out in the MICU. Today he took care of a young lady and he went out of his way to ensure that she had a great day. She and her mother were both found in their home unresponsive and brought by EMS to Wesley. The daughter who has Cerebral Palsy and is wheelchair-bound was admitted to MICU. Her mother was admitted to 3T. The mother and the daughter have spent everyday together, taking care of one another until the day they were brought to the hospital. After a week of being away from her mom, Erik loaded the patient into a wheelchair and took her to see her mom on 3T. The joy that both patients showed upon seeing one another was so heartwarming. They were both so gracious of his act of sincerity and kindness. He did not do it for recognition, he did not do it for Kudos, but he did it because he cared for this patient and wanted to do more than just pass meds and be a nurse. He wanted to unite a young lady and her mother for just a brief moment to help brighten an otherwise gloomy day."

Please join us in congratulating Erik Lien on his DAISY Award! 

Pictured above, from left: Erin Webb, DAISY Award Recipient Erik Lien, HWS CNO Shaun McCamant, and HWS Division Vice President Patty McGuffin.

If you're interested in joining the HealthTrust team, click here to browse our available job opportunities. 

Topics: Nurse Appreciation, Healthcare, HealthTrust, Nurse Recognition, DAISY Award


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