Dallas Leadership Team Hosts Appreciation Breakfast

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Oct 11, 2019 11:42:07 AM

Our Dallas leadership team hosted a breakfast in appreciation of their local staff members! The leaders prepared and served a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and more.

"The leadership team in Dallas enjoys having a moment to give back to our teams in a fun way," says Regional Vice President Kristi Stark, whose team earned Office of the Quarter for Q1. "Our office leaders come together to provide a breakfast menu that everyone can enjoy and we do all the cooking to show them how much we appreciate them. Our teams work hard each and every day, and this is just a small way we can show our appreciation for their hard work."

We would like to thank all of our Dallas team members for their dedication to making a positive impact on patient care!

If you're interested in joining our clinical or corporate team, click here to browse our available jobs. 

Topics: Healthcare, HealthTrust, Healthcare Recruitment, Employee Appreciation


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