Go HWS Mobile Office Competition

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on May 24, 2022 2:40:06 PM

West Florida Winner

With the exciting release of our new Go HWS Mobile app, we knew we had to celebrate with some fun activities at our HealthTrust offices! 

Last week, we invited all our field offices to unleash their creative spirits with a friendly competition to see who could take the best picture to promote our new app. The winner will get a catered BBQ lunch for Memorial Day! 

The only rules were to use any prop they wished, wear some original GO HWS Mobile merch, and most importantly, have FUN

After receiving all the submissions, it was hard to choose a winner as everyone did a wonderful job. But we couldn't ignore all the fun extra props like the giant phone and goofy sunglasses from our West Florida office, swooping in to get the first-place title.


With the West Florida office coming in first, should they not fulfill their duties—Denver will be coming in second! Check out all the submissions below and thank you to everyone that participated. 



Topics: HealthTrust Workforce Solutions, Go HWS Mobile App


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