Halloween 2021 at HealthTrust

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Nov 7, 2021 5:09:32 PM

This Halloween HealthTrust's Employee Advisory Group hosted a contest for the best Halloween costumes. While everyone looked very festive, our team voted on their top picks!  Take a look at our contest winners and all of our team members in costume!

Halloween 2021 healthtrust

First Place - Day of the Dead - Blanca Torres, LMS Administrator (Credentialing)


HWS Costume - Phyona Flowers

Second Place - Mute - Phyona Flowers, Project Manager (Project Management)


Third place - Lion Country Safari - Kristin Merideth, Senior Project Manager (Administration)

Take a look at more HealthTrust team members in their spooktacular Halloween costumes! 


We would like to thank all of our team members who participated in these contests! Individual and group winners from HealthTrust's Halloween contests will be contacted by the EAG to claim their prizes. 

If you're a HealthTrust Workforce Solutions corporate employee, click here to view all contest submissions. 

Topics: HealthTrust, Employee Appreciation


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