Happy Thanksgiving from HealthTrust Workforce Solutions

thanksgiving 2019

This Thanksgiving we would like to take a moment to share our gratitude and thank each of our clinical and corporate team members for your hard work and dedication to our organization over this year. We are grateful for your dedication and the continued impact that you make on patient care delivery.

We are thankful that the HWS organization is made up of incredible associates who work hard each day, creating both career opportunities for healthcare professionals and ensuring the delivery of patient care across the country. In times of uncertainty, it is important to remember that we are all a part of something so much bigger than our ourselves and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others every day is something we all should be truly grateful for.

Although the holiday might look different this year, we hope that you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving! 

While 2020 has tested each of us and our communities in many unprecedented ways, we invite you to comment on what you are grateful for this year.

Topics: Special Holiday Message


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