St. Luke’s University Health Network, a 972-bed nonprofit health system in Pennsylvania, faced two increasingly persistent challenges. One was economic, as the health system faced continuing pressure on margins because of rising costs and diminishing payments and reimbursements. The other was meeting its staffing goals in an increasingly tight healthcare labor market.
On Monday, September 24, HealthTrust Workforce Solutions Senior Vice President Jim Davis and Vice President of Advisory Services Rich Lopez, as well as St. Luke's Director of Management Engineering Michael Kimball, will share insight into how they partnered together to overcome these workplace challenges at the Healthcare HR Management Institute conference in Ponte Vedra, Florida. Their session, called Leveraging Analytics to Develop a Roadmap to Achieve Higher Workplace Performance, Improved Patient Care and Workforce Satisfaction, will begin at 4:30 pm.
Unable to attend the conference? Download our free case study to learn more about how HealthTrust was able to help St. Luke's to build a better positioned workforce and drive continuous improvement.