HWS Leadership Development Program


The HealthTrust Workforce Solutions Leadership Development Program is designed to cultivate the continuous growth and professional development of our team members through formal mentorship, leadership exercises, presentation skills development and more. Each year, the organization selects a new group of about 20 leaders to complete the Leadership Development Program.

“My biggest takeaway from the program was the importance of behavioral growth,” says Ashlee Joselin, Director of Enterprise Operations, who completed the program in 2019. “You can be a subject matter expert in your field, but if you don’t possess the leadership skills and capabilities to drive your team toward success, you won’t make it very far.”

The program combines both broad and specialized trainings to help our leaders not only see where they fit the big picture of our organization – and ultimately their direct and indirect impact on patient care – but also provide individualized feedback to help each person become a more effective leader. 

“I found it to be truly valuable in growing not only as a leader but within our organization,” says Jamie Jonke, Senior Director of Clinical Operations, who also completed the program in 2019. “The DISC and 360 assessments provided valuable insights to how others view me in the context of work so I could address opportunities as well as continue doing what was identified as helpful.”

Our next Leadership Development Program class will begin in early 2020. We would like to congratulate all of our leaders who have completed the program, as well as welcome our new leaders to the program.

Pictured above are the HWS Leadership Development graduates for 2018-2019. 

If you’re interested in joining our team, click here to browse our corporate and clinical career opportunities.

Topics: Healthcare, HealthTrust



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