
Happy National Physicians Week 2025 from HealthTrust!

Physicians, this week’s for you! And we’re celebrating National Physicians Week 2025 with you in mind, offering up some well-deserved thanks and appreciation for the hard work you do each and every day. And to everyone else, here’s why Physicians Week matters, and what you can do to help support the cause!

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Celebrating National Physicians Week 2025: ‘Together We Thrive’

Every year, National Physicians Week provides the chance to show our appreciation for the doctors who work so hard to provide quality care, and who often make the decisions and lead the teams that make that care possible.

What Is National Physicians Week?

National Physicians Week is a week-long celebration of the important clinical work that doctors do every day, as well as their personal dedication to those jobs, and the sacrifices they make on behalf of patients, fellow clinicians, the healthcare industry, their communities, and the society we all live in.

More than a simple celebration of doctors, National Physicians Week is a time to honor those who so rarely have time to pause and reflect on their own accomplishments and impact. As such, it's also a great opportunity for everyone in the healthcare community to come together in a spirit of mutual respect and professional unity.

When Is National Physicians Week 2025?

National Physicians Week is held on the last week of March each year — specifically, from March 25th through the 31st. The entire week’s festivities are built around March 30th, or National Doctors Day. 

A relatively new phenomenon, National Physicians Week was officially launched in 2016. But as an extension of Doctors Day, which has been celebrated for almost 100 years, its history goes back much farther than that. The first Doctors Day was held in 1933, and it became officially recognized by the U.S. government in 1990.

What’s the Theme of National Physicians Week 2025?

National Physicians Week’s theme for 2025 is “Together We Thrive.”

“Physicians give so much — this week is about honoring their impact,” explains Physicians Working Together, the nonprofit organization that promotes National Physicians Week. “Together, we don’t just practice medicine — we thrive.” 

And at HealthTrust, we know a thing or two about thriving! It takes expertise to navigate a successful career in today's heatlhcare industry. That’s why we offer an online library chock full of helpful resources like tips and best practices for job hunting, finding your work/life balance, and traveling for work.

  • Did you know? You can help a community in need of physicians by working a locum tenens assignment. See all available locums opportunities jobs here

How Can You Support National Physicians Week?

So, how can you join the fun and show your support for National Physicians Week 2025? We’ve got five great ways to get started!

#1: Thank the Physicians in Your Life and Community

We know it’s not always easy to get one-on-one time with a busy doctor or specialist, or any practitioner, for that matter. But you can still say thanks with flowers, a card, or a modest gift. Deliver it to their office so everyone can see the appreciation, and inspire others to join you!

  • Pro Tip: Need a gift idea? Remember, red carnations are the official symbol of Doctors Day. 

#2: Join the Physicians Week Social Media Movement

Social media is another great place to say a quick thanks to the doctors who inspire you. Whether it’s your co-worker, friend, family physician, or even a family member, they might appreciate seeing a thoughtful message on Facebook, Instagram, or whatever their social network of choice may be.

  • Action Item: Tag your posts with #NationalPhysiciansWeek or #TogetherWeThrive to join the larger Physicians Week movement!
  • Pro Tip: Looking for content to share? Join HealthTrust on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X! We’ll be celebrating Physicians Week early and often, with plenty of articles, pictures, and hashtags.

#3: Share Your #NationalPhysiciansWeek Stories

Whether you’re a physician with an inspiring story or anyone else with experience to share about how a doctor has impacted your life, National Physicians Week is the perfect time to speak out in their support.

  • Action Item: Share your story by writing up a post for LinkedIn or Facebook, or by filming a quick video for YouTube or TikTok. You can tell your story during your work roundtable, at a party, or anywhere else you gather with others in your profession or community.

#4: Participate in a Mentorship Program

If you’re a doctor, specialists, or other practitioner looking to get into the spirit of National Physicians Week, consider joining a mentorship program for interns or students. It’ll give you the chance to share your expertise and career tips about a wide range of matters, including those that go beyond medical school.

  • Pro Tip: The first place to look is with your employer, but you can also find mentorship programs from reputable online sources, including the AAFP's find-a-mentor program and the AAMC's Mentor Match Program.

#5: Explore New Career Opportunities

Finally, if you’re a doctor, why not celebrate Physicians Week with a new career opportunity? As one of America’s leading healthcare recruitment companies — including the exclusive partner for the country’s largest health system — HealthTrust has immediate openings for locum positions and access to exclusive opportunities you won’t find anywhere else.

Celebrate National Physicians Week with a New Locums Job with HealthTrust!

If you’re a doctor, celebrate Physicians Week by unlocking a new source of locum tenens jobs and other premium physician employment opportunities. Check out our locum jobs here to start your new career path today — and Happy Physicians Week 2025! We appreciate you!

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Topics: Locum Tenens, Events, Holiday, Physicians Week


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