New School Nurse Ratio Recommendations Released; Demand for School Nurses on the Rise

Parallon Workforce Solutions on May 24, 2016 10:43:31 AM


Yesterday the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a report recommending that a nurse be employed at every school to help with the growing array of student health issues.

The organization says the current standard of one nurse for every 750 students is inadequate because it allows for nurses to be spread out over several schools in some instances.

The AAP says it’s crucial to have a registered nurse stationed full-time on every campus with today’s obesity epidemic and rising tide of chronic illnesses such as asthma, autism, eating disorders, food allergies and attention deficit hyperactvitity disorders (ADHD). 

However, only about 82 percent of schools in the United States have a part-time or full-time school nurse, according to the National Association of School Nurses.

Click here to read more about the issue in an article published on HealthLine








Topics: Nursing Shortage, Nursing Leadership, Nurse Perspectives


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