Special Nurse.com Series "The Healer's Journey" Explores Nurse Perspectives Amid Mass Casualty Situations

Parallon Workforce Solutions on Jun 23, 2016 11:42:38 AM


Nurse.com recently published a compelling, three-part series that explores the impact of secondary trauma on healthcare workers as a result of exposure to mass casualty situations. 

According to the post,  a 2012 study published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies Studies of emergency nurses in Belgium showed nearly one-third had noticeable anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. Almost one in 10 met clinical levels of PTSD. Dealing with sudden death or serious injury, particularly of a child or adolescent, was the most traumatizing event, nurses in the study reported.

Click here to read personal accounts from first responders. 


Topics: Nursing, Nursing Perspectives


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