
The Impact of the StaRN Instructor Role

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Mar 1, 2021 2:56:03 PM

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a StaRN Instructor? Well, we had the pleasure of gaining insight from two incredible HWS StaRN instructors who shared their stories with us. 

Kimberly Lockett(Kimberly Lockett, RN)

Making meaningful connections is just one of the many reasons why Kimberly Lockett, RN, chose to become a StaRN Instructor. As a StaRN Instructor, Kimberly enjoys being able to watch fellow nurses grow in knowledge and skill throughout the program. She has witnessed nurses grow in confidence, which she shared is beneficial for better patient outcomes. What makes Kim most excited for her role every day is helping equip nurses with a toolkit for clinical success. As a mentor and support, she has been able to build strong connections with nurses which serve as a continuous reminder that her work is meaningful. 

Aside from the relationships that she has been able to cultivate, Kim is thankful for the continuous support from leadership and the valuable resources that have been provided to her. Whether having access to incredible, state-of-the-art technology or key knowledge points, Kim feels as if she is provided with the resources to help each nurse succeed. Ultimately, she is excited to help the next generation of nurses become the best that they can be.

Amy Wrinkler_Image (Amy Winkler, BSN, RN)

The domino effect of impact is a major contributor as to why Amy Winkler, BSN, RN, loves her role as a StaRN Instructor. Amy is thankful for the difference that she is able to make through teaching nurses, who then are able to utilize the knowledge to create better patient outcomes. By teaching each nurse to become more effective, she feels as if she is able to make a valuable contribution in the lives of patients around the country. Also, Amy feels proud to be a StaRN instructor due to the incredible relationships that she has been able to cultivate. Through the program, she has not only made friends that feel like family, but she also has witnessed nurses that she has taught get married! Each meaningful connection and the ability to watch nurses embark on a nursing career has maintained Amy's passion for her role, which she loves. 

Interested in becoming a StaRN Instructor? Click here to join our today!

Topics: StaRN, Healthcare Jobs, Instructor


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