
Amazon Enters Medical Supply Sector

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Jun 21, 2017 10:16:50 AM

Medical Supplies

While Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods made national headlines, the online retailer is also making moves in another lucrative industry: medical supplies.

Modern Healthcare reports that the growing popularity of Amazon Business in the medical supply sector will put pressure on supply distributors to lower their prices. This could lead to a decreased price in medical care for the consumer, helping to offset the skyrocketing price of medical care in recent years.

Modern Healthcare notes that some products, such as implants and certain medications, will not be purchasable on Amazon due to regulation requirements. However, the article does state that Amazon is potentially looking into entering the pharmaceutical market, so only time will tell.

To learn more about Amazon’s step into the medical supply sector, click here.

If you are a healthcare company looking to lower the cost of supplies without turning to Amazon, our affiliates at HealthTrust Purchase Group have helped more than 1,600 hospitals to grow their bottom line. This is achieved through an array of services like group purchasing, custom sourcing, and inSight Advisory Services, producing savings higher than other purchasing alliances by double digits. To read some of their tips for increasing savings as well as productivity, click here

Topics: Healthcare, HealthTrust


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