
Nurses Recount their Ghostly Encounters

HealthTrust Workforce Solutions on Oct 31, 2016 9:48:38 AM


The quiet hallways of a hospital can be spooky at night. Occasionally, nurses report seeing spirits of patients who have passed away still roaming the hospital grounds.  Thought Catalog compiled 49 terrifying tales from hospital nurses who have been spooked on their shifts. One story is republished below: 

I work on a pediatric bone marrow transplant unit, and sadly we have a lot of kids that pass. Our kids stay here for longer periods of time (usually 1-6 months just inpatient) so we have to rotate them to different rooms to make sure everything is clean.

One particular 3-year-old boy doesn’t have family come visit. He never really communicates with staff and would only occasionally chatter to himself. We moved him to a room where a little girl had recently passed and we started noticing him talking to different places in the room and staring/nodding when alone. Then he started saying new English words though he hadn’t had an increase in visitors.

My coworkers are convinced he’s talking to the little girl that died there, and though I’m a pretty skeptical person, I still get the creeps when I walk by and see him talking to himself.

To read more of these stories, click here

Do you have any scary stories from your hospital shifts? Let us know in the comments!


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